Miso Soup


10g dried Seaweed / (equivalent to 75g soaked)​​

1 leek​

1 onion​

1 garlic clove​

2 carrots​

1,5L Water​

300g fresh mushrooms​

6 dessert spoon Miso​

nutmeg q.s.​

Salt q.s.​

Pepper q.s.​

Olive oil q.s. ​

Sesame Seeds q.s.​

Chives q.s.​


Soak dried Seaweed in cold water for 10-15 minutes, allowing it to expand. Drain the water by running the Seaweed under running water.

Cut the leek into slices and laminate the fresh mushrooms.


In a saucepan, sauté the chopped onion and garlic in olive oil. Add the Kombu Seaweed, the diced carrots and the leek. Pour in 1,5 L of boiling water.


Insert the mushrooms, season with nutmeg, salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes. When the broth is ready, remove from heat and add the equivalent of one miso dessert spoon per serving. Mix well until the miso paste is well dissolved.


Place a portion of rice noodles in a bowl and cover with the broth. The heat will cook the noodles. Sprinkle the soup with sesame seeds and chopped chives. It is ready to serve.

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